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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Soulja Boy Tellem Soulja Boy Tellem » 我說了算 (Isouljaboytellem) » I Pray (Outro)

歌 手: Soulja Boy Tellem (Soulja Boy Tellem)

歌 曲: I Pray (Outro) (專 輯:我說了算 (Isouljaboytellem))

上傳會員: ntt123

日 期: 2009 - 1

歌 詞
Dear God, I pray, 4 all,
my hatas all my hattas all my hattas all my hattas
Dear God, I pray, 4 all,
my hatas all my hattas all my hattas all my hattas
they hatten on me in I dont know why
tryin 2 stop me tryna slow down my grind I want let em nawl
I won't let em I want let em I wont let em,
nawl dey tryna stop me but I won't let em
I want let em just aint no how
I cant give up aint gone give up cannot give up I just cant give up nawl
My life is a movement an everybody watchin
are u entertained lookin at me partna?
I made it out da hood lets just get this understood
people think my life is good but its way more to
it rumors spreadin round they tryna take my glory
but theres two sides to everybodies story
so let me tell the story truth with no lyin
I hate when my moma call me cryin
tellin me dre Ifeel like dying tellin me dre I feel like dying
I remember growing up in westside of atlanta
couldnt pay the light bill so we kept them candles
askin moma questions she giving false answers
I didnt wanna leave my hood I just couldnt stand it
moved to mississippi and I finally had a family
moved to mississippi and I finally had a family
my dad my sista and my newly borned brother
the first time I ever called another women mother
fam I love ya I know I didnt show it
my mom askin for money and you askin for nothing
every day I told ya one day ima make it
and if I never told you really appreciate ya
if I never told ya I really appreciate ya
Its in my soul I got passion
I won't stop cant stop rappen hatters blastin out they mouth
just cause Soulja from the south
but I won't stop I won't stop nawl
I won't stop I can't stop nawl I won't stop
I cant stop nawl I won't stop I can't stop nawl
I got girls claiming I got em pregnant
my life is really hecked
Im going through the spectives
don't hated it just respect it
if you cant respect it then I guess its to bad and if
my don't change then I guess its to sad
but with a lot of moves I make I make a lot of people mad
but with a lot of moves I make I make a lot of people glad
glad glad yea glad I do it from the heart
and if I wasn't gonna finish man why would I even start?
Im soulja boy tell em and my life is a movement
but all I gotta say is please free my nigga gucci
im soulja boy tell and my life is a movement
but all I gotta say is mane free my nigga gucci
Its in my soul I got passion
I won't stop cant stop rappen hatters blastin out they mouth
just cause Soulja from the south
but I won't stop I won't stop nawl
I won't stop I can't stop nawl I won't stop
I cant stop nawl I won't stop I can't stop nawl
Soulja Boy tell em 18 years old (ay yea boy)
Born in Chicago, IL (ay yea boy)
July 28,1990 (ay yea boy)
Cook County Hospital (ay yea boy)
To the world by storm (ay yea boy)
Made history (ay yea)
Life is good (ay yea boy)
thats what they say (ay yea)
(ay yea boy)

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